miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Changes to my study programe.

Resultado de imagen para fau uchileHello guys! It has been an incredible week for me, I hope it is also for you, today I talk abaut changes to my study program. I study industrial desing  at Universidad de Chile, this career changes your study program 2 years ago, just the year I started studiying at this university.
The new program are very goood at the paper but in the practice its not the same, the profesor have academic freedom and they  take this as teaching what looks best to them and do not comply whit the established program but not all are equal there are exceptions. I think this is not right and should change.
The desing career its very free respect to what you want to learn and from the third year you can decide which electives to take but you must choose the mention you will take if industrial or graphic, and take the electives following your decision, I think this is goood and lets try which area you like best.
Resultado de imagen para fau uchileIn spite of the good things my university has, it also has failures, as in the infrastructure and rooms, since it is not properly equipped for the cashier I study, it does not have all the materials and often this limits our teaching. They should carry out a remodeling of the infrastructure based on the needs of the careers that are taught in the faculty to improve even more and train excellent professionals.
I hope that one day the situation will improve and achieve the expectations of all students.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Personal opinion: meat eating.

Hi guys! today I talk abaut a controversial issue meat eating. 
Resultado de imagen para vacasI will start by saying that I do eat meat despite my opinion. The livestock industry that is currently dedicated to generating meat so that we can all consume it is very harmful, since for the meat to improve its quality they feed the animals with transgenic food and to generate the quantities used damages the ecosystem, in addition The livestock industry when slaughtering and producing meat consumes an excess of water since it is generated in immeasurable amounts for the population, without taking into consideration the amount of waste that this industry generates. Starting from this point, my opinion is that the livestock industry is the biggest problem since if the people generated autonomously in their homes, livestock would not generate the level of pollution that currently exists.
For this reason, my conclusion is that people should not talk about whether or not meat consumption is good in their diets, but that they should talk about what consumption generates in the environment.
Resultado de imagen para industriaI agree with people who decide to eat a vegetarian or vegan diet for the reason they consider relevant and for the reason I have just said since it could be considered as a form of revelation against this industry.
I have reduced my consumption trying to support this cause but I have not left it completely since I consider to be essential in my diet.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Resultado de imagen para copa menstrual mialuna
Free topic
Hello guys! today i talk abauto a more intime topic: my experience using the mnstrual cup.

Before I start I must say that I met the menstrual cup by different influencer who mentioned it on their social networks, which caught my attention and decided to investigate a little more.

The menstrual cup is used for the days when the period arrives, and it serves the same as compresses or tampons, the big difference is that it is friendly to the environment and your body, it consists of a small glass of surgical rubber that collects the period .My experience with her has been very pleasant, I made the decision when I discovered how dangerous traditional methods and pollutants could be for the planet. I really recommend it, you can use it for up to 10 hours in a row and you only need drinking water to clean it, it also does not emit odors and well placed prevents spills common with other methods, I think they should all try it and improve the relationship I had with my period and stop Feel uncomfortable with him. I use the glass mialuna brand which is certified and of Chilean origin, it is very reliable and despite being a little more expensive than those sold in pharmacies, it ensures good quality and will last up to 10 years without problems!I make an invitation to reconcile with his period, see it as something natural and get a method that suits them as much as I do!

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Post graduate studies.

Resultado de imagen para mujer trabajando
Hi guys today I talk abaut what I am going to do when I finish my studies, when I graduate  going to travel to difernts parts of the world and I am going to learn diferent languages, because I relly love visitto different countries, after doing that I would like return to Chile and continue studiying automotive engineering, this career is technical but is agood complement to whta I am cuerrently studying and essential for I would like to job in the future, them i wold like to change and  live in another countrie, Once out of this country, it is easier to find work within the automotive area, since companies do not have headquarters in Chile.

When I have achieved everything in the workplace and would like to start a family to be able to leave a legacy and feel accompanied and supported in my life.
 All of the above mentioned I would like to achieve after graduating from university, but despite the fact that I am clear about my goal, I still have a long way to reach it and I must continue to strive every day to achieve it.

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019

My future job!

Resultado de imagen para diseño de autoHi guys, today I am going to talk to you about my future job, at the moment I am studying industrial design at Universidad de Chile but in 3 more years I will graduate and work on this, since I was little I like cars and although it is difficult to dedicate to that area In Chile it is what I would like to do in the future, to design car body and interiors for different brands in the market, I would also love to enter the area of ​​creating sustainable and environmentally friendly cars.
Resultado de imagen para diseño sustentableI am very clear that this area is difficult if this does not work out I would like to dedicate myself to the design of products and services generating a change in what already exists and giving it an ecofriendly approach, since that area worries me and likes it since the environment situation is currently bad and people are not doing enough to change.
I hope one day to achieve everything I like and get the job I've always wanted,

guys, I'll write to you soon!

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Hi guys today I talk about Machali- Rancagua Cities!
I born in Santiago Chile, but when I have 1 year My parents decided to move to Rancagua, because my father grew up there.
In rancagua I live whith my grand mother for 2 month, them myt parets leased a house in Machali and I grew up there, but whean I have 11 years I move to other house in machali. I studied in a Maria College schoo in Machali.
Machali city is a little bit Rancagua, but they are united and you can not see when you cross from one city to another.
In Rancagua you can go to the place and you can visit different store, them you can eat the best sandwich ever in Tia Julia local.
In Machali you can go to the Cerro Machali. and see all the city fromm the summit them you can by eggs from the field and have tea at a local in the town but the best thing you can do is go to my house!

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

My pets

today y will talk abaut muy pes.
In my hause of Rancagua I have 3 cats  and 3 dogs, i love the animals and if i could i have many more. 
The cats are Zury, Vanesa and Trini, she are very cute and loving, my favorite are vanesa because I rescue her 17 years ago. Vanesa  accompany me throughout my life but that doset not mean that I don't love all. Trini came to my home when a friend of my mom gift her and Zuri was rescued from the street in 2015 for me and my mom. 
The dogs are Gela, Lulu and Almendra, I asked it Gela as present for christmast, and the she brought Almendra. Lulu  arrived in my family in february 2010, because when the earthquake in Chile was, the tambourine of my house collapsed and there appeared a little dogn and my sister adopted her. 
I love my pets and I will always take care of them.