miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Changes to my study programe.

Resultado de imagen para fau uchileHello guys! It has been an incredible week for me, I hope it is also for you, today I talk abaut changes to my study program. I study industrial desing  at Universidad de Chile, this career changes your study program 2 years ago, just the year I started studiying at this university.
The new program are very goood at the paper but in the practice its not the same, the profesor have academic freedom and they  take this as teaching what looks best to them and do not comply whit the established program but not all are equal there are exceptions. I think this is not right and should change.
The desing career its very free respect to what you want to learn and from the third year you can decide which electives to take but you must choose the mention you will take if industrial or graphic, and take the electives following your decision, I think this is goood and lets try which area you like best.
Resultado de imagen para fau uchileIn spite of the good things my university has, it also has failures, as in the infrastructure and rooms, since it is not properly equipped for the cashier I study, it does not have all the materials and often this limits our teaching. They should carry out a remodeling of the infrastructure based on the needs of the careers that are taught in the faculty to improve even more and train excellent professionals.
I hope that one day the situation will improve and achieve the expectations of all students.

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