miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

Hi! today i’ll tell you about how i picked design as my career. I finished school in 2015 and did the PSU, the psu is the test you have to do yo get into university in Chile. So i did it and i got into political science, even though it was a good degree and it had good clases it wasn’t what i expected. I felt that this career wasn’t for me and that i didn’t want to do that for the rest of my life, and i didn’t quite like the university i was in. So after three whole semesters i decided to quit political science and start from zero. The second semester of 2017 i went back to preparing my psu exams and rethink what i want to do in the future. after some time i realized i wanted to do something in which i could be creative and think in new things, and that’s how i got to the conclusion that i wanted to study design in Universidad de Chile. So far i’ve loved every second of this new degree, it’s everything i expected and more, and i can’t wait to become an amazing designer.

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