miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Hi! today I'm going to write about my favourite pice of technology.
My favorite pice of technology is my mobile phone, I always have it with me.
I have a mobile phone since I am 10 years old, but the ways I uses the mobile have been changing in the past of years. Before the mobile was only used for calling and texting, but now it is used for calling, taking pictures, navigating on internet, using social networks and much more. 
I love my mobile because it allows me to be connected all day and it allows me to know about my loves ones. I prefer to have an iphone as a mobile phone because the operating system is easier to use and the quality of the mobile is better I can't imagine to live without it because my mobile phone help me in my chores everyday.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

Hi! today i’ll tell you about how i picked design as my career. I finished school in 2015 and did the PSU, the psu is the test you have to do yo get into university in Chile. So i did it and i got into political science, even though it was a good degree and it had good clases it wasn’t what i expected. I felt that this career wasn’t for me and that i didn’t want to do that for the rest of my life, and i didn’t quite like the university i was in. So after three whole semesters i decided to quit political science and start from zero. The second semester of 2017 i went back to preparing my psu exams and rethink what i want to do in the future. after some time i realized i wanted to do something in which i could be creative and think in new things, and that’s how i got to the conclusion that i wanted to study design in Universidad de Chile. So far i’ve loved every second of this new degree, it’s everything i expected and more, and i can’t wait to become an amazing designer.

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Hi! My name is Antonia Muñoz i am 21 years old, I from Rancagua, Chile.I born in December 1st in 1997, all my life I lived with my parents Pamela and Carlos, and my sisters Javiera and Francisca but now all live separated. Actually I live in Santiago in a apartment with my roommateThis year I am studying in my second year of design in Universidad de ChileI miss my family because I live far away from them. I love the animals, I have 3 cats and 3 Dogs.My favorite hobby is cooking, I know how to cook Italian food, Chilean food and Vegan food.I hope I can tell you more about me  in this blog and you get to know me.