Post graduate studies.

Hi guys today I talk abaut what I am going to do when I finish my studies, when I graduate going to travel to difernts parts of the world and I am going to learn diferent languages, because I relly love visitto different countries, after doing that I would like return to Chile and continue studiying automotive engineering, this career is technical but is agood complement to whta I am cuerrently studying and essential for I would like to job in the future, them i wold like to change and live in another countrie, Once out of this country, it is easier to find work within the automotive area, since companies do not have headquarters in Chile.
When I have achieved everything in the workplace and would like to start a family to be able to leave a legacy and feel accompanied and supported in my life.
All of the above mentioned I would like to achieve after graduating from university, but despite the fact that I am clear about my goal, I still have a long way to reach it and I must continue to strive every day to achieve it.