Part 1:
My carbonfootprint is 6.661 tons of CO2.
What’s the average carbon footprint of a person?
The averange footprint per person in Chile is 4.69 tons.
Part 2 - Take these Recycling Quizzes:
Ø Hand washing dishes can use up to 50 % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.
Ø Only about 10 % of global energy comes from renewables.
Ø True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity.
False, Many appliances continue to use energy for features like clocks and remote control sensorseven when they´re turned off.
Ø Can you make paper out of hemp? No
Part 3- Video >> Top ten tips for recycling
1.Use fabric bags(reusable).
2.Recicle plastic bottels after using them, dont forget to clean them before re using it.
3.Use cloht diapers you can wash them and reuse them.